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"There is nothing to writing.

All you do is sit down to a typewriter and bleed."

~ Ernest Hemmingway


Down Where the Roses Cling

Fertile Myrtle


Heart of Gold Rush


The Celebration



shot in conjuction with BlitzCreative


Down Where the Roses Cling is a 10 minute, one act play that premiered at The Berkshire Playwrights Lab Opening Gala alongside new works by David Mamet, Eric Bogosian, Joe Cacaci and the late Larry Gelbhart. It closed the show and recieved rave reviews.


Set in the 1930's, it is a deightful homage to the period. Embracing the dialogue of the era, it is rich with metaphore and bounces off the bare walls of the empty apartment it is set. A one room, two character play, this piece is perfect for any class, competition or evening of entertainment.


Down Where the Roses Cling won Best Original Theatre at the TriMedia Festival in Ft Collins CO.





shot on iPhone for The Not in Public Theatre during Corona Virus 


shot on iPhone for The Not in Public Theatre during Corona Virus

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